Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Day Back

First day tomorrow!  
Kids will be drawing an animation of themselves 
so I got a jump on them and here I am in my room at school!
See I have my crock pot on my left side and my paints on the right side. 
I think that makes me ready for a new year.  
Say a little prayer for a good school year!

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  1. Wishing you a good year....I always had dreams of school the week before I Sometimes I still have them.

  2. So is that Einstein behind you licking his paws? Don't you wish you could take him to class to chase away the bats in your "attic" there or the wild cats that seem to take up residence under your classroom?!!

  3. I hope you had a GREAT day at school!!! I would love to see some of your student's work make its way here... :) Hey, also, to answer your question...yes, that one is for you on my post today...

  4. Darla - hope this is a year of good things and creative students! Enjoy!
